Xcel Sports Training Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of people of all ages through the promotion of exercise and sport, injury prevention and community education.
All charitable support or contributions (also referred to as gifts), regardless of value, form, or designated use, shall be made only to Xcel Sports Training Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a tax-exempt public foundation, incorporated in the state of Wisconsin and designated as a 501(c)(3) organization.
The Foundation accepts many types of gifts from donors. Acceptance of a gift in trust, or acceptance of a gift which involves contractual obligations, must be reviewed and approved by the Foundation's Board of Directors.
Xcel Foundation accepts the following types and forms of gifts:
- Cash:
cash gifts, checks, money orders, cashier's checks and charges to approved credit cards.
- Non-Cash Gifts:
Bonds, securities, trusts, bequests, real property, personal property, gifts in kind to be used in the form in which given; royalties, copyrights, trademark rights, insurance policies naming the Foundation as beneficiary in whole or in part, or other forms of non-cash or non-cash equivalents. Note: Non-cash gifts in the forms of real or personal property must be accompanied by an appraisal obtained by the donor. The property value must be determined by an unrelated third party. Other forms of non-cash gifts may require the assistance of an attorney, tax advisor, insurance agent or other professional advisors. Payment for advisory services rendered in making such a gift is the responsibility of the gift donor.
- Unrestricted Gifts:
A gift made with no stipulation as to its purpose or use. The Foundation Board of Directors will designate its use.
- Anonymous Gifts:
Donors may elect to make any gift anonymously. Such gifts may be made personally by the donor with a request that he/she remain anonymous, or they may be made with the assistance of the donor's advisor (e.g. attorney).
- Tribute Gifts:
The Foundation may accept unrestricted commemorative gifts and named contributions (e.g. in memory of, in honor of, on the occasion of) from any source.
- Gifts in Trust:
The Foundation may accept gifts in trust and other planned gifts.
- Legacies and Bequests
- Gifts of Stock
- Gifts in Kind
- Other Forms of Gifts: The Foundation may accept other forms of gifts not listed here. The gift will be subject to review and approval by the Foundation Board of Directors.
Gift Appraisal and/or Valuation
Current IRS regulations will be observed when calculating the charitable contribution deduction value of gifts, with the understanding that it is the donor's responsibility to obtain any appraisals needed for tax purposes. Non-cash contributions with an estimated value over $500 shall comply with IRS Form 8283 (Non-Cash Charitable Contributions) and with the qualified appraisal rules. Other gifts may require the assistance of one or more specialists (attorney, tax advisor, insurance agent, investment broker). Fees incurred for the advice and assistance of these specialists is the obligation of the donor.
Gift Recognition
Donors receive a written acknowledgment of their gift.
Special recognition may also be given to the donor at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Levels of Giving
Xcel Sports Training Foundation has a comprehensive charitable giving society for all levels of contribution.
Our Foundation recognizes annual gifts made by donors at the various levels indicated below:
Benefactor: $10,000 or more
Friend: $5,000-$9,999
Supporter: $1,000-$4,999
Contributor: $100-$999
Associate: Gifts up to $99